Parent Teacher Organization
- About Our PTO
- Connect With Us
- Calendar
- PTO Programs, Activities, Events
- Volunteer
- Donate
- Meetings
- Budget & Financing
- By-Laws & Rules
About Our PTO
The overall purpose of the Forest Hills PTO is to enrich and enhance the quality of education for all students at Forest Hills Elementary. This organization promotes communication and cooperation between parents & guardians, teachers & staff, and within the community. Throughout the year, the PTO provides funds and resources that give extra support to our valued teachers & staff, and the PTO supports students in a vast number of ways while aiming to promote a sense of community among Forest Hills.
Connect With Us
Upcoming Events
PTO Programs, Activities, Events
Art Literacy, classroom celebrations, Fall Carnival, staff appreciations, classroom grants, Oregon Battle of the Books (OBOB), Winter Family Night, Science/Steam Night, field trips, and SO much more!
Please save the dates for the following 2024-2025 PTO Events (subject to change)!
FH PTO Events 2024-2025 Flyer Text
Forest Hills PTO Events 2024-2025
- Enjoy the last few weeks of summer!
- Thurs. 8/29 Supply drop off and meet your teacher popsicle party 2:30 - 3:30
- Wed. 9/11 Back to School Night
- Fri. 9/27 Carnival 5pm
- PTO Board - Staff Appreciation
- Wed. 10/2 Falcon Outreach Event - Card Making
- Fri 10/18 Falcon Fun Run
- Art Lit - Diego Rivera
- Scholastic Book Fair 10/28-11/1
- 5th Grade - Staff Appreciation
- Wed. 10/30 Halloween Parade
- 11/6-11/15 Hope Church Thanksgiving Food Drive
- 11/14 NW Children’s Theater Play Lab performance
- Art Lit - Japanese Art
- 4th Grade - Staff Appreciation
- Winter Class Parties 12/20
- 12/13 Winter Family Night
- 5th Grade Fundraiser
- SCRIP - Staff Holiday Giving
- Art Lit - Sculpture
- 1/27 - 2/7 Hunger Fighters Food Drive
- 3rd Grade - Staff Appreciation
- Thurs 2/6 Talent Show/Art Showcase
- Fri. 2/14 Friendship Day Class Party
- Art Lit - Georges Seurat
- 2nd Grade - Staff Appreciation
- Fri. 3/14 Science Fair
- 1st Grade - Staff Appreciation
- Fri. 4/25 - Neon Nights Dance Party
- Art Lit - Georgia O’Keefe
- Kinder - Staff Appreciation
- Sat TBD - Round Up (fundraiser)
- PTO Sponsors - Staff Appreciation
- Asian American Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander Heritage Month
- Art Lit - Portfolio Making
- Field Day
- 6/9 5th Grade Graduation & Celebration
- End of Year celebrations
SEPTEMBER Wed. 9/18 @8:30am
OCTOBER Wed.. 10/9 @7pm
NOVEMBER Wed. 11/13 @8:30am
DECEMBER no meeting
JANUARY Wed. 1/15 @8:30am
FEBRUARY Wed. 2/12 @7pm
MARCH Wed. 3/12 @8:30am
APRIL Wed. 4/16 @7pm
MAY Wed. 5/14 @8:30am
Events, dates, and speakers are tentative. Detailed information will be shared as events are finalized and opportunities to participate/volunteer are available.
Forest Hills needs you! Help bring PTO programs and events to life for our Forest Hills Falcons and community.
Forest Hills PTO is completely volunteer driven. Everything we do is made possible by our wonderful volunteers.
A variety of opportunities are available:
- Volunteer in your child's classroom for Art Literacy or classroom parties
- Volunteer at school events like the Fall Carnival, Fun Run, Winter Family Night, fields trips, and more
- Join or chair a PTO committee
- Join the PTO board
View our list of volunteer opportunities
Please contact PTO to help make a difference at Forest Hills!
Remember, all volunteers must be approved by LOSD every year before they can volunteer. Fill out the LOSD volunteer application today.
The Forest Hills PTO welcomes donations all year round!
The PTO supports our amazing students and hard working faculty and staff in a wide number of ways throughout the year. Donations are used directly to enrich the quality of educational opportunities for our Falcons, as well as provide continued support for the many wonderful PTO sponsored events for the entire community.
By contributing to the Forest Hills PTO you have joined together with a highly supportive group of people who value the importance of a well-rounded education. Your support ensures that we can continue our various endeavors that help make Forest Hills such a special place.
Forest Hills Elementary School PTO is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization.
Your donation is tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
Tax ID # 93-0858044
Forest Hills PTO General Meetings are open to all Forest Hills parents, guardians, teachers, and staff. They occur on the second Wednesday of each month in the Forest Hills library. Agendas will be posted prior to the meeting and minutes will be available after each meeting.
2024-2025 General Meeting Dates - Second Wednesdays
Budget & Financing
By-Laws & Rules
PTO Members
Gretchen McClaughry
Vice President
Shaun Swenson
Operations Treasurer
Brianna O'Gorman
Compliance Treasurer
Sidney Villanueva
Traci Wilson
Kristen Bates
Volunteer Coordinator
Kathryn Kuntz
Iris Ringer